good music has a tendency to make me horny, awesome concerts...

... are even worse.

Buckcherry. I'll see them again if I get a chance. Energy personified on stage with a nice portion of humor and play. Normally I like the bass guy the most, dunno why - they just tend to have an awesome style, however stevie d was a crack up on stage.
Josh todd was a blast of energy and I couldn't help but wonder if he and the polive agent in boondock saints are the same person. =) they have quite a few similarities.

When they played crazy bitch there was no question of which song i responsible for their comeback. The otherwise quite calm audience was bouncing around screaming and singing.

hot music, hot band equals hot concert. My only wish was a different location. some crowd surfers were do75ing a pretty good job but if buckcherry would have played in madison and not milwaukee the whole place would have been a moshpit.


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