Rebecca Walker

Since my computer doesn't work and I have to rely on library hours to do schoolwork, keep contact with my friends and loved ones, and all that computers are for these days, I sort of forget this blog once in a while.

I will fill in the blanks someday. For my own sake of keeping track of this year.

It is 22:45. I have classes tomorrow. This day I was so tired I could hardly stay awake. But there is one person who is the reason of why I'm sitting here in the library instead of walking towards my bed and the place I slowly start to think of as my home.

Rebecca Walker. She is a lot of things, but I will not mention them. Because most of them are identities, and identities always keeps us from seeing the person who possesses them. Identities are walls we hide behind to keep from having to know a person unconditionally. The ground for unconditional love. Which is so scary since we to often wants to own the ones we love. We wanna have a right to them, when there can be no rights. No ownership. To often we cling to safety that degenerates us. Safety in beleiving there is no exit sign in the building that is on fire. Because if there is; we are responsible for getting out of the burning building ourselves.

She is calm, full of love, committment and self awareness.
Her open mind reaches out to understand people. To feel their reality. By doing so she makes herself vulnerable and we feel her. Her long pauses, were she freezes and thus sort of freezes the moment. Makes us into statues with her. Letting her words sink in, which is important. Because the concept she brings to us, asks us to free ourselves from our identities and we need time to finally met the person that we are.

She reached out and touched me with her words. Her vulnerability. Her wisdom.
She let herself be who she was, without identities. Vulnerable she is one of the most beautifull persons I have met.


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